Frequently Asked Questions

I updated to Ubuntu 12.04 and I have postgres 8.4 and 9.1 installed on my system

Remove all postgres version 8.4 packages (this removes also the databases). Then change the port in /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf to:

port = 5432

Restart postgres:

sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart

Now you should be able to call the ./scripts/ script.

My CATMAID instance is working in debug mode, but can’t be reached in production. What is the problem?

If you see return code 400 (Bad Request), check the ALLOWED_HOSTS setting in your Django configuration file:


Since Django 1.5 this setting is present and should contain a list of all host/domain names that your CATMAID instance is reachable under. Access will be blocked if target host isn’t found in this list. For more detail have a look at the Django documentation.

Be aware that if you use Nginx and make a WSGI server available through an upstream definition, the host that Django sees is the upstream’s name. So this is what you want to add to ALLOWED_HOSTS. Alternatively, you can add a X-Forwarded-Host header when calling the upstream in a Nginx location block to forward the original host to Django:

proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;

If you then instruct Django to use this header by setting USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST = True in (see doc), you can add the original host name to ALLOWED_HOSTS.

I have more than one CATMAID instance running on the same (sub-)domain, but in different folders. When I open different instances in the same browser at the same time, one session is always logged out. Why?

Django uses the cookie name ‘sessionid’ for its session information in a cookie called ‘csrftoken’ for CSRF information. This is fine if only one instance is running on a certain domain. If, however, multiple instances run on the same domain, this naming scheme fails. The same cookie name is then used for both instances, which leads to the logout in all but one instances if the multiple instances are opened in the same browser.

To fix this, either regenerate your file with a recent CATMAID version or manually set different names for the relevant cookies in all your files by overriding the variables SESSION_COOKIE_NAME and CSRF_COOKIE_NAME. Recent CATMAID versions do this automatically, based on the specified sub-folder.

I get an error 500 response and in debug mode I see the error “ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory”. This might have started after the system update.

Apparently, your system’s HDF5 library was changed. Therefore, the Python bindings that are used by CATMAID have to be updated. Given you are within the virtualenv and in CATMAID’s django directory, the following should fix it:

grep h5py requirements.txt | xargs pip install -I

This will reinstall (and recompile) the HDF5 python bindings with the version specified in our dependency file (requirements.txt).

I get an error 500 response and in debug mode I see the error “ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory”. (Or any other boost version) This might have started after a system update.*

It seems that the Boost library was updated and therefore one module that we depend on has to be recompiled: pgmagick. Given you are within the virtualenv and in CATMAID’s django directory, the following should fix it:

grep pgmagick requirements.txt | xargs pip install -I

This will reinstall (and recompile) the pgmagick module, using the version specified in our dependency file (requirements.txt).

CATMAID stopped working after PostGIS update

Updating PostGIS on your host system could cause CATMAID to stop working. You might see errors like:

django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Cannot determine PostGIS
version for database "catmaid". GeoDjango requires at least PostGIS
version 1.3. Was the database created from a spatial database template?

This can happen when old PostGIS library files are removed and PostGIS can’t find what it expects. To fix this, log into the CATMAID Postgres database and update the PostGIS extension:

sudo -u postgres psql -d <CATMAID-DB-NAME>

No image data due to lack of Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers

You might get an error like this if you don’t serve images with CORS header fields:

Image from origin '' has been blocked from
loading by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy: No
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
Origin '' is therefore not allowed access.

This can be fixed by sending an access policy header along with the images, coming in the form of this header field:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin *

An example setup for Nginx can be found here.